Have you ever wondered how important it is to show care and compassion to model and foster responsibility in a community? In El Salvador, there are so many initiatives that are looking to engage in solidarity efforts with stray, neglected, abandoned animals. Despite the existence of a national law "Ley de Proteccion y Bienestar Animal" thousands of animals are suffering, and some of those, are lucky to be rescued by people who care. Sometimes those stories are hard to tell, however, they can have a voice little by little with the aid of social media.
Animal rescue shelters and animal activists are working around the clock to support dogs and cats. If you do not know how to channel your resources, please do not hesitate to ask. We will be happy to direct you to one who practices accountability to their donations. Please like us! share with your friends and families. Another ways of building a peaceful society in El Salvador is possible. Animals will be forever appreciated. Kids who soon will be the adults engaged in social processes will also benefit.
Please share widely. Remember, sharing is caring! dogs and cats in El Salvador are in need of solidarity! Twiter @pinky4sv Instagram @pinkyinsolidarity Email pinkyinsolidarity@gmail.com Blog thepinkydogsolidarityproject.blogspot.com